About US

Haksal Legal Consultancy is an Istanbul-based Law and Consultancy Firm; since 1980, with its solution partners in Ankara and Munich. It has been providing legal consultancy services to many domestic and foreign clients, both individual and corporate, with its experienced staff.

Our legal identity is based on an insherited family origin. The first lawyer of our family, our great grandfather, was Kamil Efendi, who was born in 1858 in Filibe.

In the Republican period, especially retired judge, Notary Tax Appeal Commission head İsmail Hakkı Ağrasoy, attorney Halil İbrahim HAKSAL, Atty. Arslan HAKSAL, Atty. Kemal HAKSAL, Atty. Iffet Ulusman (HAKSAL), Atty. Meliha HAKSAL, Atty. Faruk HAKSAL, Atty. Ozge HAKSAL, Atty. Sebla HAKSAL SEVİNDİK is the valuable lawyer members of our family.